Hi everyone,
I always loved photography and, when I have time, I like to take pictures of the world. Here are some of my favorites (there are a lot actually, but couldn't scan all of them...)
Demonstrations in Paris... What I like about demonstrations is that there is something spontaneous in the way people act... Something "out of the normal" where all of a sudden, people do things they would never think of doing otherwise... Like climbing on statues, red lights, bus stations and whatsoever... When I look at the following picture, it reminds me a little bit of Robert Doisneaus' famous "kiss" (le baiser)... There is something quite symbolic about a couple of lovers on the shoulder of what could be a goddess...
In this picture, a bunch of demonstrators watch what's going on below... The statue seems to carry them on his shoulder with some pain and there's that kid with his baloon where one can read : "Merry Christmas"...
Same type of situation although the statue looks up into the air and doesn't seem to give a damn about what in the hell is going on... Or else he is thinking "Good Lord, when in heavans name are they going to get off my back...?..."
In the crowd, a couple is all of a sudden aware that I'm taking pictures and stare at me as if I was intruding in their existance... Hope I didn't offend them...
This was over in the Dominican Republic, after a Hurricane that devestated the Island. I worked with a medical team and we hiked throughout the hills & mountains in order to get to villages that were cut off from the rest of the world (since most roads and bridges had been destroyed).
Humanly, it was a very powerfull experience.
I worked for several years with a humanitarian organisation... And like the demonstrations I saw, the disasters I witnessed were powerful situations...
What I like about this picture is the sceptical expression of the mother when the doctor attemps to explain how the medicine was to be taken...
In one of these villages, I met an ol' man who seemed to be just waiting as time goes by... Waiting for the end most probably... And there is this sort of hook on the door that, like a clock, that seems to go back and forth, back and forth... Symbol of time going by... Time where one waits for something, most probably for the end...
One glance caught in Guatemala, shortly after a major earthquake...
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